Saturday, August 29, 2009

Concert For Global Peace, Kansas City

photo used in Kansas City Star by Zoran Orlic

Nenad Bach (piano), Vigthor Zophoniasson (tenor), Bunny Rodina (mezzo-soprano), Richard Lindsey (bass), Don Lipovac (accordion), Matt Leifer (drums). August 29, 2009 in Kansas City MO.

Nenad Bach, Matt Leifer and Richard Lindsey.
Performing "Time is All We Have"

Nenad on a piano playing "Everything is Forever"

Nenad Bach, Jonathan Borja (flute), Matt Leifer and Richard Lindsey. Performing "Daughter's Eyes"

Nenad Bach, Jonathan Borja, Don Lipovac and Richard Lindsey.

Nenad Bach and Don Lipovac with an ensemble Hrvatski Obicaj (Croatian Tradition)

Nenad Bach with an ensemble Hrvatski Obicaj (Croatian Tradition), singing "Festa"

All photos by generosity of Don Wolf

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Les Paul June 9, 1915 – August 13, 2009

Les Paul was a legendary musician. He was a pioneer in the development of the solid-body electric guitar, which "made the sound of rock and roll possible." He is credited with many recording innovations, including overdubbing (also known as sound on sound), delay effects such as tape delay, phasing effects, and multitrack recording.

I have a personal memory of a man who equally paid attention to everyone who approached him. Gentleman. Great talent on the guitar and inside of a guitar. Class act. Someone to emulate in life.

These photos have been taken on Dec 13 and Dec 18, 2007. First one at the ASCAP Awards from my hand and last one taken by Dino Rulli after the concert on Broadway. Are we lucky to witness it or what.

Danas je umro Les Paul, otac elektricne gitare i visekanalnog snimanja.

Takvi ljudi su stvorili bazu americke glazbe koja se i dan danas slusa i u upotrebi je. Les je temelj ne samo americke vec i svjetske glazbene bastine. Bio je pazljiv prema svim sugovornicima, bez obzira na moc i vaznost. Imam prelijepa sjecanja na njega i njegovu obitelj. Pravi gentelman.

Nenad N. Bach
New York 13 Kolovoz, 2009

Just came back from Croatia. It will take some time to publish "few" of the photos. Intense two months.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

U2 arrived in Zagreb

U2 private jet parked at Pleso (Zagreb, Croatia), as seen from my window.

The best U2 show I've seen.

130.000 people have seen U2 in Zagreb 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Filming of the Music Theater Video "Dragi Kamen"

Nenad Bach and Bruno Krajcar in Rakalj, Croatia

Nenad Bach and Bruno Krajcar

Bruno Krajcar, Nenad Bach and Mirna Brkanovic (film director). Filmed on August 4th 2009. Rain just stopped.

Singing chorus. Isn't this wall beautiful? And how about the view behind us?

old church