Friday, June 26, 2015

Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 39 Dubuque 3.0, Branding Croatia Seminar

Photo: Dr. Daniel Kolak

June 22, 2015
Nenad will be performing with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra on June 28th at the Dubuque Arboretum, located on 3800 Arboretum Drive in Dubuque, Iowa. This will be the first time that Nenad will be performing with an American symphony orchestra. William Intriligator will be the conductor and the music has been arranged by Olja Desic.The show starts at 6:30 p.m. People are welcome to bring a picnic and chairs and enjoy themselves before the concert. Admission is free!

If you can't attend you can still participate by going to Indiegogo and checking out the campaign to help bring Nenad back to Dubuque. The campaign has only 3 days left and is looking to help fund Nenad's travel expenses and the costs of archiving the performance. For full details visit:

For those of you who have downloaded the Periscope app, there is a possibility the concert will be broadcast live from Dubuque!

If you liked the title photo, it is from an essay by Dr. Daniel Kolak titled "A Good Morning With Nenad Bach". It will be published in the next newsletter.

Branding YOU!" - jedan dan u Istri koji će promijeniti sve!

Nenad Bach već 30 godina živi i radi u New Yorku gdje je osnivač "CROWN"-a (Croatian World Network), jednog od prvih i najutjecajnijih Hrvatskih portala u svijetu koji se bavi najboljima od nas i sustavno promovira već preko 15 godina Hrvatsku prisutnost u svijetu. Kao glazbenik, dijelio je pozornicu s najvećim svjetskim imenima: Bono Vox (U2), Luciano Pavarotti, Bruce Springsteen, Leonard Cohen i dr. Početkom 1990-ih aktivan je u prikupljanju humanitarne pomoći za Hrvatsku te spletom okolnosti postaje neslužbeni 'glasnogovornik' i lobist Republike Hrvatske u SAD-u. U Bijeloj ga kući prima američki predsjednik Bill Clinton (sudjeluje i na inauguraciji Baracka Obame), druži se s britanskom princezom Lady Dianom, Paulom McCartneyem, Rodom Stewartom, Tonyem Bennettom, Johnom Malkovichem, Martinom Sheenom, Larryjem Kingom te ostalim poznatim facama iz kraljevskih i estradnih obitelji.

Gostujući prije nekoliko godina u jednoj emisiji Hrvatske televizije, kao iz rukava naveo je šest izvrsnih prijedloga o brandingu Hrvatske i savjete na koji način se postaviti te kako razmišljati. Zapaženo je bilo njegovo predavanje na TEDx-u u Zagrebu. O njemu je snimljen i cjelovečernji dokumentarni film koji je osvojio više nagrada po filmskim festivalima Amerike i Europe. Film se može gledati ovdje:

Radi se o 1-dnevnom stručnom seminaru koji će se održati u utorak 21. srpnja 2015 u Puli. Ekskluzivan pristup imat će samo 18 odabranih kandidata iz čitave Hrvatska koji prođu pred-selekciju (prijave se vrše putem internetske adrese: – a kako bi se kandidatura uzela u obzir potrebno je poslati Curriculum Vitae (CV) ili kraći životopis kandidirane osobe).

Seminar će se održati u prostoru Matice hrvatske-Pula, na adresi Pula, Bartolomeova 8. Pet minuta lagane šetnje od legendarne Pulske Arene, 3 minuta do Gradske vijećnice i manje od minute do glavne Gradske knjižnice (centralna lokacija nedaleko pulske rive). Predavanja su raspoređena u dva sessiona: jutarnji od 10:00-12:30h i večernji od 18:30-20:30h.

Po svršetku 1-dnevnog intenzivnog seminara, polaznik dobija Diplomu i potvrdu o uspješno položenom treningu.Normalna cijena ovakvih seminara u New Yorku doseže i po nekoliko tisuća dolara. Nenad je veliki domoljub te iskreno i od srca želi pomoći poduzetnicima u domovini pa se odlučio za najmanju moguću 'simboličnu' kotizaciju uz mogućnost stipendiranja onih koji su u financijskom škripcu ili si ne mogu priuštiti seminar (a prošli su pred-selekciju).

Za više informacije:

Thank you all for your generosity and support! We keep going higher! - Video I Will Follow You Hi-rez - Video Everything Is Forever Hi-rez - Video Digital Revolution Hi-rez - Video Daughter's Eyes Hi-Rez

The Nenad Bach Band is:
Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar
Joe DeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica
Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal
Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal
Al Orlo: guitar

Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 38 Dubuque 3.0

June 1, 2015

Nenad will be performing with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra on June 28th at the Dubuque Arboretum, located on 3800 Arboretum Drive in Dubuque, Iowa. The show starts at 6:30 p.m. People are welcome to bring a picnic and chairs and enjoy themselves before the concert. Admission is free!

If you can't attend you can still participate by going to Indiegogo and checking out the campaign to help bring Nenad back to Dubuque. The campaign is looking to help fund Nenad's travel expenses and the costs of archiving the performance. For full details visit:

You can also show your support for Dubuque 3.0  by entering a special promotional code to get a 50% discount on all music. Just go to and enter DBQ  at the checkout! Discount is only valid for this week only!

Like the shirt? You can get it on the band's website or on via the Indiegogo campaign. Be the first on your block! $18.00 plus shipping and handling.

After his recent visit to Washington DC, Nenad is slated to appear on a local TV and Radio show on his return visit. Details in the next newsletter.

Thank you all for your generosity and support! We keep going higher! - Video I Will Follow You Hi-rez - Video Everything Is Forever Hi-rez - Video Digital Revolution Hi-rez - Video Daughter's Eyes Hi-Rez

The Nenad Bach Band is:
Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar
Joe DeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica
Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal
Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal
Al Orlo: guitar


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Newsletter No. 37 May 9, 2015

[Apologies for having been "away" for some time].

 Masahiro Iwasaki, drums; Dave Richter, bass; Nenad Bach, piano. Photo by Zoran Orlic

 Film fest: Nenad Bach, Dubuque 2.0

One of the surprise darlings of last year’s Julien Dubuque International Film Festival was a quiet, humble composer by the name of Nenad Bach.

The Croatian-American came to town for the first time in 2014 to promote the documentary that filmmaker Vic Zimet made about him -- “Everything is Forever.” An activist and a peace advocate, Bach found a community that was willing to embrace him.

“I feel Dubuque,” he said while visiting the filmmaker lounge at the Hotel Julien Dubuque. “This is Dubuque 2.0 for me. Everything I thought with my first experiences was proved this time as well. It’s a great city, creative people, the town is flourishing, and I am privileged to be here.”

Bach is a special guest of this year’s festival, and he performed alongside Dubuquer Caroline Curtis and Texas pop-rock band TR3N at Thursday’s opening night ceremony. The song they brought to life on stage was “I Feel Dubuque,” an original composition by Bach.

“I wrote it because I felt strongly about Dubuque,” he said. “I’m talking about Dubuque for long time with all of my friends, wherever I go. People ask me sometimes, ‘Why do you like so much Dubuque and all of this?’ And I said, ’65,000 people, symphonic orchestra, imagine that. I went to the artistic community … and food co-op. All of these things are impressive. (Dubuque) is in a high tide (that) brings all the boats up, not just the yachts.”

The community has welcomed back the musician, who cuts an instantly recognizable figure with his black, wide-brimmed hat, black jacket and accent.

“Response was very good from people,” Bach said of his opening-night performance. “One of the people called me a peddler of joy. I like that. That can be my title for an album or something else.”


Nenad was backed by a great band TR3N from McAllen, TX.
While in Dubuque, Nenad performed an invitation only show. "Digital Dubuque" shared this clip of Nenad performing "If I Had Another Life". Nenad's son Ivo joined him on piano.

Nenad will be performing with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra on June 28, 2015 at the Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens! Updates to follow!

On May 15th, Nenad will be featured on Hudson Valley Artist Spotlight Radio program. The show airs on Friday nights at 10:30 p.m. in New York on WHUD 100.7 FM. You can also listen to the interview here:

The Nenad Bach Band is:
Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar
Joe DeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica
Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal
Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal
Al Orlo: guitar

 (L-R) Josh Moroles and Greg Garza of TR3N join Nenad for "I feel Dubuque"

 Thank you all for all of your support we are going even higher!
