Friday, June 13, 2008

High School reunion. Visiting my homeland Croatia from June 10 - 25th 2008

High School Reunion Friday June 13th, 2008

As good as it gets. I love my high school buddies. Behind our door... screams, laughter..nothing changed. We stayed goofy and active. Not the case with many other classes. People are working in different countries, cities etc, same good spirit and inquisitive minds. We couldn't agree on most topics but we enjoyed all of them and when we are together we act upon given. Darko Tolja, brought music, so we danced. He also brought a rose for each of our girls. Also, this time I've seen other classes. Enjoyed seeing many other friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately I had to wake up early next morning to record a song for Bruno Krajcar and his new album composed on Mate Balota's lyrics, so I left around midnight. They stayed till 4 am.

My best friend from high school Darko Tolja


Darko, paper girl, Nenad

Nenad N. Bach
Rijeka, Croatia Friday June 13th, 2008