Thursday, June 5, 2008

National Music Council Panel and 27th Annual American Eagle Awards Luncheon June 5th 2008

David Amram, Nenad N. Bach, Evans J.R. Revere, Muhamed Mo Sacirbey and Charles Sanders

Panel on MUSIC AND MUSICIANS AS INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL AMBASSADORS, which took place on the morning of Thursday, June 5, 2008 at the National Music Council Annual Meeting Forum (11:15 AM at 240 West 47th St. New York City). The event was taped for possible broadcast on New Jersey public television and elsewhere.

The panel, at least from my own perspective was very articulate, funny and informative... one of the best I have been on. Great introduction by David Sanders, president of NMC and moderating by Charles Sanders, music attorney and a brilliant man on many levels. David Amram? I could listen to this man for hours. Living legend of American Music. Evans J.R. Revere, president of The Korea Society, a moving story about the concert in North Korea. Mo Sacirbey, a long time friend and diplomat, with music and business background, brought U2 to Sarajevo. Tape of the panel will be available for the broadcast. Update will have the link.

David Amram, Nenad Bach, Evans Revere and Muhamed Sacirbey

Nenad Bach, Charles Sanders, Ervin Drake, David Amram and Muhamed Sacirbey

Panel in the company of legendary composer Ervin Drake. Nice jacket Ervin.

Jon Cobert, Tom Chapin, Michael Mark and David Amram

Michael Mark, Nenad Bach and Jon Cobert

Jon Cobert played piano on "Stand By Me" with John Lennon. Michael Mark made up lyrics today while playing. A very witty and talented musician.

Nenad Bach and Tom Chapin

A cordial moment with a
2008 American Eagle Award Honoree Tom Chapin. A tall man.

Nenad Bach and Lorin Maazel

A brief moment with introspective maestro Maazel, 2008 American Eagle Award Honoree

Founded in 1940 and chartered by the 84th Congress in 1956, the National Music Council represents the United States to the International Music Council/UNESCO. The Council acts as a clearing house for the joint opinion and decision of its members and is dedicated to strengthening the importance of music in our life and culture.

Through the cooperative work of its member organizations, the National Music Council promotes and supports music and music education as an integral part of the curricula in the schools of our nation, and in the lives of its citizens.

The Council provides for the exchange of information and coordination of efforts between its member organizations and speaks with one voice for the music community whenever an authoritative expression of opinion is desirable.

Support National Music Council

I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of the event and an American systematic support of art.

Nenad N. Bach

New York, June 6th, 2008